Getting back that motivation


I NEED to get back that motivation to do some sort of physical activity (the gym…which hello is $30/month!, walking with Izzy).  I’ve fallen off the bandwagon and I KNOW it’s going to be tough to get back on it.   Especially since now the colder weather is coming.

So I think for the remainder of this month I’m going to have to monetarily motivate myself.

$1 for every time at the gym

$1 for every walk with Izzy

$1 for yard work

Hopefully this will help it become more of a habit again.

Food and Emotions


It is amazing how your emotions can affect your enjoyment of food.


Today Kimm and I got into a STUPID argument right before dinnertime and even though it was PRETTY much resolved…I still felt hurt and confused about the whole thing.

Therefore, even though we were eating one of my favorite meals (Cheeseburg Salad), I really didn’t enjoy it as much as when I am in a good mood.

The food was going in…I tasted it…but I just felt flat.

Interesting huh?



Sometimes I feel like I’ll never lose this weight…NO MATTER WHAT I DO.

I mean, I’ve been trying since I was in high school.

It’s a little frustrating.

I feel hopeless tonight.



I’m feeling FULL right now.

We went out shopping at Old Navy and grabbed some food at Pizza House on the way home.

The good thing: we actually ordered a side salad and were able to share it between us and it was GOOD.  Green peppers, red onions, cucumber, tomatoes and an excellent ranch dressing (with enough of it that we weren’t hoping for more).

The bad thing: we still got the fries and with the pizza it just was a lot of food.  Good food, but still too much food for for me at one sitting…but I kept eating.

We were actually talking about getting just the salad and pizza next time…who are we????

End of vacation thoughts…


Vacation is over 😦


…I need to lose weight…badly

…I don’t really know HOW to do this anymore

…maybe a Biggest Loser challenge?

…maybe changing one habit/week

…calorie counting??? (I really DON’T want to have to do this…just seems like so MUCH work!)

…I HATE my sagging arms…I HATE my round tummy

….I just want to like myself again and I don’t know how to do that anymore??!!

Biggest loser??


I was reading in the hospital newsletter that the OR and PACU department did a Biggest Loser challenge and are thinking of doing it again.

I was considering joining.  I’m HOPING that maybe that will give me the motivation to lose some of this excess weight.


No salt update



…officially over half way through this month and I have not ADDED any salt to any of my meals!


I really cannot comprehend this at all.

Here I thought I could NEVER live without salt.

But so far, so good.

However, I have not had…



Two items of food that I don’t think I could do with no salt.

We shall see.

Off track with the gym


I cannot even tell you the last time I was at the gym.


I NEED to get back into it.

Maybe not as intense like “every single day of the week” — but a few times.

My health needs it.

I need to justify paying $30, soon to be $40/month for this service.

Maybe even just getting to yoga or a class.

SOMETHING, ANYTHING — it needs to be done.